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  • Alexander Fahie

Our AI Bot Library: Democratising AI in Education

AI Bot Library on Interactive Tutor

Foreword by Interactive Tutor

At Interactive Tutor, we are thrilled to introduce the AI Bot Library - a pioneering feature set to democratise the use of artificial intelligence in education. This initiative is born from a simple yet powerful vision:

to put the power of AI in the hands of those who shape our future - our teachers.

By enabling educators to create, customise, and share AI bots, we are opening a new chapter in educational technology, one where the community's collective wisdom leads the way.

Empowering Educators to Lead Technological Innovation

The AI Bot Library represents a significant shift in the educational landscape. No longer are teachers mere recipients of top-down technology solutions. Instead, they can now be the architects of their digital tools. With capabilities to define roles, input training data, and personalise AI bots, we are handing over the reins of innovation to the educators, enabling them to create tools that truly resonate with their pedagogical needs, admin tasks or the diverse requirements of their pupils. They can even publish AI Bots just for fun, like Bacchus, God of Wine!

The Role of Teachers in Crafting Educational AI

Why are teachers the best creators of educational AI? The reasons are manifold:

1. Innate Understanding of Classroom Dynamics: Who better to design educational tools than those who understand the nuances of the classroom? Our teachers are in the best position to develop AI bots that are truly in sync with the educational ecosystem.

2. Expertise in Curriculum Development: Their deep knowledge in curriculum planning ensures that the AI bots they create are not just technologically advanced but also pedagogically sound.

3. Bridging Educational Gaps: Teachers can identify and target specific educational needs, developing AI bots that cater to these areas.

4. Upholding Ethical Standards: Teachers are inherently invested in the welfare of their students, ensuring that the AI bots they create are safe, secure, and ethically sound.

A Community-Driven Repository

The AI Bot Library is more than a feature; it's a vibrant, interactive community. By allowing teachers to publish their AI bots, we not only foster a culture of sharing and collaboration but also introduce mechanisms to enhance trust and support within the community. Teachers can write reviews for each other's bots, providing valuable feedback and insights. This peer-review system enriches the quality of the resources available.

Also, we've introduced a badge awarding system to recognise and celebrate the most innovative and effective AI bots. These badges serve as a mark of quality and reliability, helping educators to quickly identify the most useful and highly regarded tools. Additionally, the platform displays the number of downloads for each AI bot, offering a clear indicator of its popularity and usage within the community. This feature not only helps teachers to find the most sought-after tools but also encourages a healthy spirit of contribution and improvement among creators.

Together, these features enhance the community-driven nature of the AI Bot Library, making it a robust and trustworthy repository of educational AI tools, designed by teachers, for teachers.

Professional Development and Continuous Learning

Our platform also serves as a conduit for professional development. Teachers engaging with AI Bot Library are not just building tools; they are also building their futures, staying abreast of the latest trends in educational technology.


Interactive Tutor is proud to present the AI Bot Library. This platform symbolises our commitment to democratising AI in education, empowering teachers to take the lead in technological innovation. It's a space where the collective wisdom of educators shapes the future of learning, benefiting the entire educational community. Join us in embracing this new era of collaborative and personalised educational technology. Together, let's redefine the boundaries of what's possible in the classroom.

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